I Have News!

It’s not really that big, but I’m so excited to share!

A few days ago, I came across an article on a blog where the writer spoke up about copyright issues regarding photographs. She shared her experience of how when she started a blog, she read a lot of blogs that used other’s images without permission but credited the photograph with the name and a back link.

She figured that was fine and started doing the same until one day a photographer asked her to take down a photo that belonged to him. After doing so immediately, the photographer chose to sue her. And he succeeded. The fact that she is a blogger, and using the photos for non commercial purposes does not take away the fact that what she was doing was wrong. And she ended up having to pay.

A quick Google researched showed me that such cases are happening more frequently now. So guess what I did?

Started a blog with free to use images!! 🙂 (I told you it wasn’t that big a news!)

http://simplefreephotos.blogspot.in/ (Used a different platform for certain reasons)

So anytime you need a photo in your article, stop by and find one. I’ve labelled all, so a quick search should tell you if there is a photo as per your requirements or not. Feel free to use it, as long as you are not posting it on objectionably content. There is no need to give a link, but a little credit would be nice. 🙂

See you guys around!

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